Jan 29, 2020 | HealthCare Marketing, Hit Blog
Patient care is a passion, but healthcare is a business. As a physician, running your practice gives you a lot to think about. When you first opened your office, how you were going to get new patients was probably the last thing on your mind. But with the changes in...
Jan 14, 2020 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog, Online Marketing, Social Media
This article appears originally on the Balance SMB website. It was was written to share how non-profit organizations can get the attention of a large segment of the population (Millennials) and inspire them to donate or volunteer. Considering that there are around 71...
Feb 26, 2019 | Hit Blog, Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization in 2019 Successful businesses use Search Engine Optimization in 2019, because SEO has demonstrated repeatedly that, when done correctly, it establishes you as an authority and pushes your perfect market to you. And, dollar for dollar, it has...
Feb 8, 2019 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog
Brand Credibility If you want to be the next Apple, what do you do to gain greater credibility? Right now you may be thinking, playing at the level of Microsoft would be just fine. But, why not go for Apple? Apple’s brand is more than just a household name. It has a...