Jan 14, 2020 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog, Online Marketing, Social Media
This article appears originally on the Balance SMB website. It was was written to share how non-profit organizations can get the attention of a large segment of the population (Millennials) and inspire them to donate or volunteer. Considering that there are around 71...
Feb 8, 2019 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog
Brand Credibility If you want to be the next Apple, what do you do to gain greater credibility? Right now you may be thinking, playing at the level of Microsoft would be just fine. But, why not go for Apple? Apple’s brand is more than just a household name. It has a...
Jan 25, 2019 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog
What perception does your brand give? When we want to know what to do for our own strategies, we look to people we feel are really successful, personalities whom we want to emulate, or who captivate us. Elon Musk has become an icon of genius, care for...
Jan 14, 2019 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog
What do you really want your brand to accomplish? We have been providing branding consultations and recommendations for business growth for over 20 years. It is a natural thing for us to ask, “What would you really like to have happen as a result of being in...
Oct 28, 2018 | Brand Strategy, Hit Blog
Hedy Lamarr’s branding was a beautiful successful movie star, however she wanted people to know her for her brains. Today, on Data Privacy Day, we bring a special brainy focus to Hedy Lamarr’s brand. Also known as Data Protection Day, this is an...