For all those who have asked what should they do when just starting their online marketing. The first thing is you should always be creating new content for your prospects. Content sharing is the new word of mouth and a powerful social marketing tool. Here is what we have found, the challenge to be. Most people don’t have a clue where to begin when it comes to creating online content. Here is a quick tip, you can use to get started. Ask yourself, How can you help your target market? You must address the need of your customers first. This is accomplished by listening to their feedback and responding with care. You must inform, educate and entertain to cultivate relationships. But once you’ve done it a couple of times, it’s actually really quite simple.
Starting your online marketing begins with establishing your own online presence.
- Establish a Facebook business page – one of the largest social media platforms with excellent prospect targeting options.
- Create a Twitter Account for your business, also with great prospect targeting options, and get discovered on Twitter Search.
- Use a Google+ business page & to achieve valuable exposure on Google searches